Improving Birth and Building Community

The Doula Project

At The Birthing Circle, we believe that all families deserve high-quality support during pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period. Good support improves birth outcomes, making for healthier, happier babies and families. Studies have shown, however, that low-income and marginalized families are the least likely to be able to access these supports, even though they are the most likely to benefit from them. As an answer to these studies, we created The Doula Project to help provide childbirth education, support groups, and birth doula services to families who may not be able to afford it otherwise.

Featured Event

2024 Family Fun Day!

We will now be collecting donations on a quarterly basis to coincide with our community baby showers.  All items must be clean, undamaged, and smoke-free. If you would like to donate or are in need of donations click below to learn more.

Interested in Donating Items to the Birthing Circle

The Birthing Circle connected me…I had no friends in town with babies when my little guy was born, and no local friends that were pregnant or experienced mamas. It was life-changing that I found a group of women that I have come to trust, to ask questions of…the women in the group are incredibly generous, encouraging, and empowering. We really have a special mama tribe here in Frederick!

Allison D.


How You Can Help

Volunteer Your Time

Make A Donation

Amazon Smile

Provider Membership